View a student’s Fast Feedback Summary

The Fast Feedback Summary in a student’s Insights displays all of the Fast Feedback that you gave to the student. 

  1. Click “Insights” from the left-side menu in Feedback Forward. 

  2. Filter to an individual student. You will then see the Fast Feedback Summary and the Score Trends chart. 

  3. View and print all Fast Feedback: Click the three dots at the top right of the Fast Feedback Summary chart to see a menu. Click “View All. This will take you to a page where you can view all of the Fast Feedback that you have given to this student. Click “Print” to print a Fast Feedback Summary. 

  4. Edit the total score: Click the three dots at the top right of the Fast Feedback Summary to see a menu. Click “Edit Score.” By default, Fast Feedback is scored out of 4 points, with each of the four scale levels worth one point. You can change the score to any total between 4 and 999. This will proportionally edit all other feedback that the student has received. 

  5. Add a goal: Click the three dots at the top right of the Fast Feedback Summary to see a menu. Click “Add Goal.” You can set any goal between 1 and the total score. You will see this goal as a baseline for comparison in the Feedback Summary chart and as a line in the Score Trends chart. 

  6. Remove a goal: Click the three dots at the top right of the Feedback Summary chart to see a menu. Click “Add Goal.” Set the goal to zero.

  7. Filter the Fast Feedback Summary: You can filter the list of feedback but criterion or by date range using the filters at the top of the page.

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