Welcome Back! Quest Forward Academies Enter Third Year

This past Tuesday, August 14th, marked the new school year for Quest Forward Academies in Omaha and Santa Rosa. School Directors Mark Smith, of Omaha, and Director Karen Kenkel, of Santa Rosa, offer their thoughts on the first week back and their goals for the new year.

Mark Smith, School Director, Quest Forward Academy Omaha:

It has been great to see returning students and get to know new students this past week. Quest Forward Academy Omaha is off and running. New students participated in a number of orientation activities this week to help them become familiar with our habits and school processes. They are also designed to help the students get to know each other and begin forming a sense of community.

Additionally, upperclassmen participated in college and career prep sessions. These activities aimed to help them to think about steps after high school and what they can begin doing now to prepare. These days of preparation will help students get off on the right foot both individually and as a community of learners.

Karen Kenkel, School Director, Quest Forward Academy Santa Rosa:

It’s hard to believe that we are launching our third year at Quest Forward Academy in Santa Rosa! We are delighted to welcome as many new students and mentors as we have returning ones to our wonderful learning community.

Our theme this year is “possibility”; we are convinced that with mindful attention to cultivating and practicing habits, exploring our curiosities and passions, all in a spirit of kindness and openness, the sky is the limit to what we can create, achieve, and contribute to each other, to our local and global communities, and to the broader mission of Quest Forward Learning.

Check out a glimpse of the first week of school below:
Quest Forward Academy Omaha

Students sitting around a table laugh while talking and building structures out of popsicle sticks and glue. Students gather around a table and play a game where they overlap their arms with one another. A staff member provides information on a sheet of paper to a student at Quest Forward Academy Omaha.

Quest Forward Academy Santa Rosa

Students sit around tables and listen during Orientation Day at Quest Forward Academy Santa Rosa.Students from Quest Forward Academy Santa Rosa work together to build a paper car. A student smiles for the camera while wearing a blue sweatshirt that reads "It's My Time to Shine."Students from Quest Forward Academy Santa Rosa sit in a circle in the parking lot.
Quest Forward Academy Santa Rosa on their first day of school 2019.

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